240 West Ferry, Buffalo, NY 14213 dkklotzbach@heal-international.org 716.908.1756

H.E.A.L Summer Enrichment

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This notable Program is a safe and structured summer program for youth of ages 14 to 21. Our stimulating program operates for 6 weeks. We are focused on assuring that students continue to learn and grow over the summer; a requirement by the City of Buffalo Division of Youth which funds the program. We offer workforce training environment and workshops that we hope will assist Refugee youth to participate in the workforce. While part of the summer is spent doing fun & learning activities, we also plan to incorporate meaningful field trips. The overriding goal of this program is to provide Legal and Financial education, American cultural integration, Educational recreation & field trips, and vital work experience for the youth. The expected outcome will be a more knowledgeable community of young refugee boys and girls who will be able to assist their families accustom to the American society while preparing themselves for their future endeavors. We partner with Federal, State and City of Buffalo law enforcement agencies, Banks, Higher Education institutions, and other professionals to offer a dynamic program.

To be eligible for this program you must be a City of Buffalo resident between the ages of 14 and 21.